Release Notes

New in Version 1.1

Search Commits

Now you can search commits by message, hash, branch or tag, making it even easier to zero in on the code change you want to inspect.

Open Commits in Their Own Tabs

Once you've found the commit you're after, open it in a new tab where you can easily compare it with any of its ancestors.

Refreshed Branch Picker

The picker has been reorganised to give quicker access to recent branches and tags. You can still filter the entire list by just typing a few characters.

Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed a crash that occurs in Sequoia.
  • The text of the commit message in the commit inspector is now selectable.
  • The expanded/collapsed state of the commit message is now persisted.
  • Sidebar entries in comparison windows (files and text clippings) can now be selected.

Version 1.1

  • Added “Search Commits” feature. Search commits by message, hash, branch or tag.
  • Added “Open Commit in New Tab” feature.
  • Added “Repository” menu.
  • Refreshed branch/tag picker with section headings, badges and overflow submenus.
  • The “Compare with Previous Commit” toolbar item has been replaced with “Compare with Another Commit…”. (I intend to bring back the former in another form in a future release.)
  • Added a tip popover for selecting 2 changesets.
  • Added an inline tip to the branch picker for filtering the branch/tag list.
  • In standalone 2-way diff tabs, the info sidebar is now on the right to be consistent with other tab types.
  • Improved vertical positioning of section highlights within the scrollbar.
  • Fixed left/right sorting of changesets in 2-way diffs (A & B) to be topological where possible and not just chronological.
  • Various fixes for the font size combo box.

Version 1.0.14

  • juxta installer: added the ability to opt out of making juxta the default Git diff/merge tool.
  • Fixed: diffs sometimes appeared empty or not highlighted when using certain character encodings (e.g. UTF-16).
  • Fixed: selecting a branch or tag would not work if the list had been filtered.

Version 1.0.13

Updated libgit2 to version 1.8.0 to address Git compatibility issues.

Version 1.0.12

  • Fixed a rare crash caused by an out-of-bounds array index when generating a diff.
  • Fixed font size text field getting reset when using the other font drop-down controls.

Version 1.0.11

Updated the juxta installer to no longer change the owner of .gitconfig to root.

Version 1.0.10

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when diffing files that have a symbolic link in their path.
  • Fixed a deadlock that could occur when selecting a commit.
  • The “Compare with Previous Commit” action now attempts to diff with a parent of the selected commit rather than just the next commit that is listed.
  • Fixed: selecting an annotated tag from the references popup menu would result in an empty commit list being displayed.
  • The current (HEAD) branch now appears above other local branches and below the default branch in the references popup menu.
  • Added a “HEAD” badge to the current branch in the references popup menu.
  • Performance improvements, especially for repositories with many files or many commits.

Version 1.0.9

  • When a 2-way Git diff has focus, the ↓ and ↑ keys (without holding command or option) will now navigate between changes within a file but they will also navigate to the next/previous file rather than loop back to the start/end of the current file. The original looping-within-a-file behaviour when holding the option key is still available.
  • Improvements to the juxta installer to facilitate integrating with Git clients.
  • Performance improvements.

Version 1.0.8

  • Fix: clicking in the merge tool’s scrollbar could break scrolling for the middle text view
  • Fix: “Ours” & “Theirs” buttons were showing empty popovers in the merge tool.
  • Fix: Repository state description was missing during a rebase.
  • Fix: Potential crash when attempting to view or edit license key information.
  • Support for comparing files via juxta
  • Performance improvements.