Release Notes

New in Version 1.1

Search Commits

Now you can search commits by message, hash, branch or tag, making it even easier to zero in on the code change you want to inspect.

Open Commits in Their Own Tabs

Once you've found the commit you're after, open it in a new tab where you can easily compare it with any of its ancestors.

Refreshed Branch Picker

The picker has been reorganised to give quicker access to recent branches and tags. You can still filter the entire list by just typing a few characters.

Version 1.0.7

  • Workspace diffs update more quickly now. Especially for repos with many files.
  • Support for using the --dir-diff option with git difftool.
  • Text comparisons can now detect and display differences in newline characters.
  • Various performance improvements.

Version 1.0.6

  • Yet more performance improvements.
  • Fixed: commits were right-justified in the file history commit list.

Version 1.0.5

  • More performance improvements.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a repository.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using “Choose All from Left/Right” in the merge tool.
  • Fixed large diffs only partially loading when using git difftool.
  • Improved support for the various ways that git difftool can be called. E.g. using “..” notation to specify two revisions.

Known Issues

While support for git difftool has been improved, a couple of issues remain:

  • The --dir-diff argument is not yet supported.

    Workaround: Remove --dir-diff from your invocation of git difftool. JuxtaCode will still present a diff of the revisions that you passed in.

  • juxta does not yet support comparing 2 specific files (as opposed to revisions) via git difftool.

    Workaround: Open the files in JuxtaCode directly.

Version 1.0.4

⚡️ Lots of performance improvements ⚡️

And a bunch of fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a diff.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when scrolling through a list of commits.
  • Fixed visual glitches in commit list when there are a lot of branches.
  • Fixed file history not opening properly when the repository is already open.
  • Fixed File > Open… not offering to open files in file history.
  • Fixed: it wasn’t possible to select text from commit diffs.
  • Fixed: juxta would just show a repository in Finder instead of opening it in JuxtaCode.

Known Issues

Regrettably, using juxta with git difftool fails in a few scenarios:

  • the --dir-diff option isn’t currently supported,
  • .. notation for specifying ranges is only partially supported, and
  • diffs with a lot of files can get stuck after partially loading.

I intend to address these issues in an upcoming update.

Version 1.0.3

Fixed the “Buy Now” button 🤡

More meaningful improvements are in the works, but I felt I had to address this embarrassing mistake first.

Version 1.0.2

🚀 The launch release!

🌿 Compare branches

🧐 View file history

✅ Resolve merge conflicts

↔️ Compare text

and more.